What is a mega backdoor Roth? What are the benefits and risks? Will it help increase retirement savings? What about tax-free savings growth?
Retirement Savings
Financial Planning for Young Adults
Often, people don’t start planning for retirement until later in life. To get the best results, it’s wise to begin financial planning young.
What Does It Take to Retire Early?
Early retirement and the concepts of high savings rates, deliberate frugality and reducing one’s working hours continue to seep into the mainstream. Blogs like Mr. Money Mustache, Early Retirement Extreme, and the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement have become a topic of frequent conversation in the media and among many in their 30s, 40s [Learn more…]
Want To Be Happy In Retirement? Spend Your Time And Resources On These Things.
A few years ago, I had the pleasure of attending a seminar by Dr. Michael Finke, then a professor at Texas Tech (he is now at The American College of Financial Services). He spoke about measuring life satisfaction in retirement. I remember being impressed by his talk and wanting to write my own article about [Learn more…]
5 Ways Your Children Can Influence Your Retirement
We often ask our clients “What is important to you in life?” While priorities and preferences vary, the majority of our clients cite “family” as a primary value. Couples who include children in their lives face fundamental differences in their financial life cycle, which affect their retirement in a number of ways. Consumption Spending. Since [Learn more…]
Longevity and Retirement Planning
Rick Miller has worked with the Society of Actuaries and NAPFA (the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors) to prepare a presentation on how advisors can help their clients better understand financial planning issues associated with longevity. Rick has delivered this presentation at multiple professional conferences. Here is one reporter’s take on what Rick and [Learn more…]