Liquidity is defined as the availability of liquid assets, such as cash, in a market. Rick Miller discusses the liquidity factors that go into planning for the future.
Raising Cash – A Deeper Look
Filling a one-time need for cash from your Sensible-managed portfolio takes a little time. While you may be able to withdraw cash immediately from your bank account, an investment account is different. Allow me to fully explain this step-by-step process. The process begins when you contact your advisor with your cash request. Perhaps there are [Learn more…]
How Sensible Financial Raises Cash for You
We strive to get cash to you when you need it. We understand that timely delivery of cash either for planned events or unexpected contingencies is important to you. Sensible Financial® has developed a process that balances your need to get cash quickly with your other interests, such as maintaining your target allocation, keeping trading [Learn more…]