Charitable giving can reduce your tax liability if you know the strategies and vehicles that allow you to take advantage of the tax benefits.
Charitable Giving
Charitable Giving Options
How can you give to your favorite charity and enjoy a tax benefit? Reducing your taxable income is the simple answer. But, how?
How Strategic Charitable Giving Can Maximize Your Deduction
Charitable giving truly is the gift that keeps on giving. In addition to the positive feelings you get from giving to a needy charity, a charitable gift can reduce your taxes. In this article I’ll show you how planned giving, which takes into account how your income (and therefore tax brackets) change over time, can [Learn more…]
Charitable Giving… Sensibly
If you make, or are planning to make, a charitable gift, and you have a brokerage account with appreciated securities, you might be better off donating those securities directly to your charity than making a cash gift of the same amount. In this article, I’ll describe how a charitable gift reduces taxable income. Then I’ll [Learn more…]