A SPIA is one of the simplest and most effective ways to secure a reliable stream of income in retirement, but it’s not one-size-fits-all.
Single Premium Immediate Annuities (Part 1)
A Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) is a plain but powerful way to ensure predictable lifetime income.
Annuities: Confusing and Scary, or Good Investments?
Annuities can be confusing and therefore, scary. They can also be valuable opportunities for the right investor.
The Five Biggest Medicare Mistakes
Medicare is complicated and people don’t always get it right. Research is vital. What are the 5 biggest Medicare mistakes?
What Is Medicare and What Are All Those Letters?
Like a soup recipe, Medicare plans are easier to understand if you know all the ingredients that go into them. So, let’s get started.
What are CCRCs and Are They for Me?
Older adults who anticipate needing long-term care may choose a continuing care retirement community (CCRC).
Rick Fine Loaded (His Camera) for Bear
Rick Fine, a talented photographer, recently traveled to Alaska on a photography trip. He bushwhacked his way through and took lovely photos.