Sensible Financial Webinars

Past Events

Managing Money as a Couple: Thinking About Marriage

Presented by: Rick Miller
November 21, 2023

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You're engaged. Congratulations! It's time for that big discussion about paying bills, saving for the future, and managing money ... together.

The ABC’s (and D’s) of Medicare

Presented by: Rick Fine
October 26, 2023

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Rick Fine will define what medicare is and how it really works.

TIPS for Beginners

Presented by: Rick Miller
September 28, 2023

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What are TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) and can they really protect portfolios against inflation?

The Basics of Estate Planning Part 2: Saving on Estate Taxes with Trusts

Presented by: Frank Napolitano
August 29, 2023

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Join Frank to dive deeper into the estate planning process and how to save on estate taxes with trusts.

Retirement Plan Fundamentals III: Opening Your Present

Presented by: Rick Miller
July 27, 2023

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You've created a retirement plan (your present from you to future you). Now it's time to open that present. What's the best way to do it?

The banner shows the title of the webinar about retirement accounts and how to use them.

Retirement Account Basics Part 2: Using Your Plan

Presented by: Rick Miller
June 28, 2023

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You have a retirement account? Terrific! Rick Miller will discuss strategies for using your account in the best way possible.

The Basics of Estate Planning

Presented by: Frank Napolitano
May 18, 2023

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Join Frank and learn more about the estate planning process and what you need to know to go through it smoothly.