ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) accounts enable some disabled people to save in a tax-advantaged account without risking benefits.
Will You Owe Taxes When You Sell Your Home?
If you sell a primary residence you may owe taxes on your gains. Some rules pertaining to taxes and home sales have changed over the years.
Will I Need Long-term Care and Long-term Care Insurance?
If you’re used to living independently, it can be daunting to think about needing long-term care insurance. However, it’s best to plan.
Older Adult Living Options: Issues and Solutions
When looking at your older adult living options, planning is vital. Preparation will help you and your loved ones cope with the future.
6 Questions to Ask if You’re the Executor
When an individual names you as executor of their will, you feel honored and then reality sets in. What questions should you ask?
Are You the Executor? Here’s What to Expect
Have you been appointed executor to a loved one’s estate? What are your duties? What issues may arise? Knowing more about it will ease some of your stress.
Sensible Scenarios: Financial Planning for a Future Family
Sean and Elise have healthy savings. They asked Sensible to calculate their financial options based on future family and career decisions.